
Excavator Engines

Enhanced performance of wheel loader and excavator drive technology

For demanding mining applications, we offer you a wide range of diesel engines for heavy-duty continuous use. Our mtu Series 4000 PowerPacks are easily able to run at their limit with practically no breaks. They are specially designed to withstand the typically fast and material-stressing load alternation cycles that large mining excavators and wheel loaders generate, and guarantee full performance all the time with their excellent transient load characteristics.  

This means that deep load and folding excavators with mtu mining engines have the shortest load cycles even when operating at maximum load. Wheel loaders with mtu engines also have no trouble at all with 100% load performance.

Enhanced performance

Even at full load and under constant load alterations

Low lifecycle costs

Through low fuel consumption and long maintenance intervals of excavator engines

Maximum availability

Proven excavator engine concept ensures minimal downtime

Worldwide service

for maintenance as well as fast replacement part and maintenance material supply

Wide range

of wheel loader and excavator engines for tailor-made, optimal drive concepts

Youtube Video

Journey through a mtu 12V 4000 Tier4 Mining engine

Youtube Video

How to drift a haul truck

Power Generation

HVO: kind to the climate, good for mtu engines

by Lucie Maluck

Is that really true? Rolls-Royce engineers conducted a detailed investigation. The results were impressive.

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Power Generation

Sustainable fuels: E-Diesel and HVO make mtu engines (almost) climate-neutral

by Lucie Maluck

HVO fuel enables a 90% decrease in emissions with no compromise on power output. HVO can therefore make a major contribution to climate protection and is already being used in many mtu engines.

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We know what we're doing

by Jan Schumacher

Clemens Berger has been heading up the Mobile Power Solutions business unit since February. Here, he talks about his first 100 days and discusses what will be important during the next five years.

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Power Generation

Life on the edge

by Lucie Maluck

Freezing cold in Siberia, searing desert heat, towering waves or quaking earth – mtu Series 2000 and Series 4000 engines are tough as nails.

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Designed for the future. Built for your success.

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mtu EnergyPack

The scalable all-in-one storage solution for microgrids and energy systems.

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