mtu Genset for Algerian Earthquake Disaster Region

Posted on June 02, 2003

With a lightning response, MTU Friedrichshafen provided humanitarian aid immediately after the severe earthquake in Algeria: A complete genset was supplied to the Algerian authorities and relief organizations for an unlimited period of time.

mtu provides Power Container for humanitarian aid

Friedrichshafen - With a lightning response, MTU Friedrichshafen provided humanitarian aid immediately after the severe earthquake in Algeria: A complete genset was supplied to the Algerian authorities and relief organizations for an unlimited period of time. On Monday, the almost 14-ton Power Container was handed over to the relief organizations in Algiers. The genset, with an electric power of 500kVA, can be used wherever electric energy is urgently needed, for example in hospitals, water recycling plants, communication facilities or for power supply to residential areas.

The situation in the disaster area is still very dramatic and is especially aggravated by the fact that power and water supplies have been disrupted in the region around Algiers in many places. Without electricity, however, it is impossible to maintain a medical emergency service or to re-build the infrastructure. Therefore, both the German emergency task force in Berlin and the Algerian authorities welcomed mtu´s offer very much, particularly since operation of a leasing genset of this size is very expensive and usually costs approx. EUR 8,000 per month.

The Power Container essentially accommodates a 6-cylinder Series 396 engine and a generator. The weatherproof, 20-foot container can be easily transported on a trailer and set up outdoors. The organization of the transport and operation in Algiers has been coordinated with the Algerian authorities. The genset will be commissioned and technically supported by the local mtu agency in Algiers. The plant has already served well in Germany and at other sites worldwide, including India, Ireland and Austria.