At the Nebraska Tractor Test Lab, the new Xerion tractors broke records for fuel efficiency, pull-to-weight ratio and low cab noise. The Xerion 4500 now holds the record as the most fuel-efficient tractor in its class. The Xerion 5000 and 4500 beat top competitors in engine lugging capacity, setting a record for low engine speed while providing maximum torque. In the ballasted portion of the test, the Xerion 4500 set a new 25-year pull-to-weight ratio record for 4WD tractors.
“When you’re in prime tillage season and running 10-12 hours a day, fuel efficiency really adds up. Cab noise on those long days is also a big concern,” says Sparenberg. The noise level recorded in the cab of the Xerion 4500 was a record-breaking low 68.5 decibels. The Xerion 5000 broke that record shortly afterwards with 67.0 decibels. As a comparison, that’s quieter than a Cadillac Escalade or Volkswagen Golf cruising at 65 mph (100km/h).
Manufacturers around the world use the Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory as a benchmark to compare their tractors against the competition. After each comprehensive evaluation, the results are made public. As the only test lab of its kind in North and South America, it is one of the most renowned institutions in the field of agricultural engineering. “The Nebraska test lab is the only place where there is a totally independent, apples-to-apples type of comparison for tractor performance,” says Paul Sparenberg, sales manager, mtu America. “When a manufacturer sets a record here, it’s a big deal. The results are looked upon very highly in the industry.”