Full flexibility for huge variety of different applications.
Power range 50Hz: 590 kVA – 1.000kVA
From industrial factories to data centers and from hospitals to power stations, the global demand for energy continues to rise. The mtu Series 1600 diesel generator sets meet your requirements and deliver the necessary power supply at any location and at any time.
Highest performance
Mission-critical systems require fast-start capability and one-step load acceptance. That’s why we have designed our systems to make more power available within only a few seconds. We offer industry-leading load factors of up to 100%, which allow even more operating hours for prime, emergency standby and data center applications – whatever the circumstances.
The mtu Series 1600 GenDrive diesel engines are now available in a 12V1600 Gx1 range with up to 1000 kVA. This is the highest power density in their class. To increase power output by up to 40% while maintaining our highest quality and performance standards we had to fundamentally redesign, optimize, and reinforce the Series S1600 engine platform. The improvements include optimized digital engine management, enhanced injectors for better power, performance and emissions, more displacement, synthetic fuels compatibility, and much more.
Reduced environmental footprint
The mtu Series 1600 is ideally suited to hybrid applications. With the approval for renewable fuels, VDE Grid Code certification and best-in-class low-load capabilities, these generator sets offer many ways to minimize environmental impact and keep fuel costs down and CO2 emissions down while providing the highest power quality and stability.
All mtu Series 1600 generator sets are approved for synthetic fuels such as hydrogenated/hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO). HVO is a drop-in fuel that requires no engine adaptions and has a long storage capability. Its use reduces greenhouse gas emissions but does not affect performance or service and maintenance.
Full flexibility
The mtu series 1600 diesel generator set is available for all ISO 8528-5 power ratings, even for ISO 8528 DCP (Data Center Power). Additionally our mtu Data Center Continuous Power Rating is compliant to Uptime Institute Tier Standard: Topology Tier III and Tier IV certification levels.
Low life-cycle costs
Extended lifetime through time-based overhaul concept.
mtu Series 1600 gensets are well known for their low life-cycle costs. They show best-in-class values for low fuel consumption and resilience. With our time-based overhaul concept for the Series 1600, there is also no need for intermediate overhauls or replacement of major engine components during the engine‘s lifetime.
Once the standard end-of-life is reached, our scheduled Series 1600 overhaul solution provides the same peace of mind as a traditional overhaul, but at a fraction of the cost. Before the probability of wear-out related failures increases, time-worn components are replaced, ensuring the same availability as before. A removal or reinstallation of the system is not required, only an exchange of selected engine components.
mtu Series 1600 at a glance
Open Power Unit – Air-to-Air cooling system
Enclosed power unit
Open Power Unit – Water-to-air cooling system (only Gx1 models)
Rapidly growing markets like autonomous driving, the industrial internet of things (IIoT) and smart cities exponentially increase the demand for low-latency, secure computing and storage resources. Besides the emerging 5G network, increasingly more computing capabilities located closer to the point of data consumption, the so called “edge” are required. Edge data center providers, owners and operators can achieve significant cost and installation time reductions.
The new mtu Series 1600 generators cover all requirements to support the most demanding applications. They are compliant to all requirements of Uptime Tier I-IV certification levels as well as to the ISO 8528-1 Data Center Power (DCP) with load factors up to 100% and unlimited yearly operating hours.
mtu Series 1600 generators are available as Open Power Units (OPU) with a superior power density for the integration into buildings or as extremely flexible Enclosed Power Units (EPU) to seamlessly combine with PFM modules. The integrated enclosure design includes a base frame-integrated fuel tank, genset controller for island or mains parallel operation, circuit breakers, exhaust silencers and a cooling system which is capable of up to 50°C ambient.
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