Posted on July 27, 2016

At 7.58 AM on Tuesday, 12 July a new FB Design military vessel broke the speed record between Montecarlo and Venice with a time of 22 hours, five minutes and 42 seconds, at an average speed of 52.3 knots for the nearly 1,120 nautical mile voyage.

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  • 18 Metre FB Design SAR and Maritime Control Vessel powered by mtu
  • SAR 60 is a prototype for a new type of high-speed lifeboat

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, GERMANY – At 7.58 AM on Tuesday, 12 July a new FB Design military vessel broke the speed record between Montecarlo and Venice with a time of 22 hours, five minutes and 42 seconds, at an average speed of 52.3 knots for the nearly 1,120 nautical mile voyage. The 18 metre vessel, captained by Fabio Buzzi, powered by two 1600HP mtu 10V 2000M94 engines, is designed for military missions, primarily rescue and maritime control. mtu technical experts were on board the boat throughout the journey, which included just one fuel stop. The record was officially verified and confirmed on Wednesday, 13 July. The brand mtu is part of Rolls-Royce Power Systems.

Fabio Buzzi, Designer of the SAR 60, said: “We always try to test our boats to the limits before selling them to clients and this record attempt was our way of demonstrating the capabilities of this new lifeboat design.”

Stefano Gibelli, Technical Director at mtu Italia commented: “The mtu 2000 engines performed perfectly from beginning to end, demonstrating again their superiority even for prolonged high-speed missions. Operating for 22 hours at full speed, with just one fuel stop testifies the fuel efficiency of the engines,” said Gibelli.

After departure from Montecarlo on Monday, 11 July at 9:52 AM, only one refueling stop was made, in Calabria, at the Porto delle Grazie of Roccella Jonica, at the exact midpoint of the journey, which ended on Tuesday, 12 July at 7:58 AM at the Lido of Venice, on a very rough sea for the last 50 miles in the northern Adriatic. This was the first time that a rescue vessel has attempted any long distance record. Previously all long distance records have been set by racing boats or boats specially built for the job. The SAR 60 that now holds the 'Round Italy' record is the prototype for a new type of high-speed lifeboat that has been hailed as 'the fastest lifeboat in the world'. Powered by mtu diesel engines, the SAR 60 can reach top speeds of 60 knots. The engines are equipped with an additional rough sea kit, which enables safe operation in the most extreme conditions.

Several countries plan to update their fleets of high speed vessels for coastal control and rescue activity, for which this vessel is designed.
Silke Rockenstein Spokeswoman Trade Media
+49 7541 90 7740