无论任何去中心化能源供应要求,发电项目都可提供最佳解决方案。我们的 4000 系列柴油发电机组可根据应用和位置灵活设计。这些发电机组适用于应急电力供应和主电源系统,可安装为移动式或固定式。功率范围为 1600 到 4000 kVA (50Hz) 和 1125 到 3250 kWe (60Hz)。无论您选择哪种设计,我们的发电机组在质量、性能和燃油效率方面都能满足最高要求。医院、数据中心和核电厂、工厂、居民楼、公共设施或去中心化发电站,不论何时何地,一旦有需要,我们的发电机组都能确保在电网发生故障时提供可靠电力。
Superior Power
Mission-critical systems require fast-start capability and one-step load acceptance. That’s why we have designed our systems to offer more available power within only a few seconds. We offer industry leading load factors up to 100% for data centers and up to 85% for standby applications. This exceeds the established industry norms
such as ISO 8528-1 and allows even more operating hours for prime, emergency standby and data center applications. This way, we can deliver sophisticated power solutions with even more actual available power than other manufacturers with the same nominal power — regardless of the circumstances.
Highest power quality
所有应急电力对能源的需求都很复杂,因此能快速发电至关重要。正因如此,我们设计的系统就要做到在几秒钟内就能提供足够多的电力。我们用于数据中心的产品的负载系数高达 100%,用于备用电源的产品的负载系数高达 85%,业界领先,超出既定行业标准,因此主要电源、应急备用电源和数据中心有更多的运行时间。通过这种方式,我们可以提供成熟的发电解决方案,在相同标称功率下,不论何种环境,我们产品的实际发电能力超过其他制造商。
Maximum resilience
Our mtu Series 4000 gensets operate trouble-free with the highest power quality even under extreme conditions. They have proven their resilience again and again in continuous operation and with full loads in the heat, cold, and dust, as well as with frequent load changes. In addition to their well-known longevity, their low-maintenance construction and long service intervals also ensure cost-effectiveness. They minimize expenses and downtime and ensure that all equipment is fully operational again in record time.
Full lifecycle services
在紧急情况下,我们的 4000 系列发电机组将在几秒钟内电力全开,与电网、其他电源或其他并联的发电机组同步。发电机组能够承受极高的负载阶跃,不会出现严重频率和电压偏差,保证电力质量。所有 4000 系列发电机组都远超 ISO 8528-5 的 G2 和 G3 性能等级标准,瞬态负载运行和恢复时间方面,其性能和电力质量要求也远超标准。即使按 G3 规定的性能标准,4000 系列发电机组在第一步就可以缓冲 50% 以上的负载,也能缓冲 NFPA 110 要求下的 100% 高负载。