Bergen Engines – the new Tognum subsidiary

Posted on July 01, 2013

As of today, Norwegian engine manufacturer Bergen Engines AS becomes part of the Tognum Group.

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  • Ownership of Norwegian engine manufacturer Bergen Engines AS formally transferred to Tognum AG
  • Extended product portfolio now comprises high- and medium-speed diesel and gas engines as well as system solutions
  • Integration of Bergen Engines is a further step in Tognum’s growth strategy

Friedrichshafen, July 1, 2013. As of today, Norwegian engine manufacturer Bergen Engines AS becomes part of the Tognum Group. Following the acquisition of Tognum AG by the joint venture of Rolls-Royce plc. and Daimler AG, the former Rolls-Royce subsidiary Bergen Engines was merged into the Tognum Group. With that Tognum, the propulsion and power solution specialist, adds medium-speed diesel and gas engines with power outputs up to 10 MW to its engine portfolio.

“By formally contributing Bergen Engines AS to Tognum today, we are starting the next phase of our joint activities. This is an important milestone and positive for both customers and employees as this enables us to combine the medium- and high-speed portfolios under one roof,” said John Paterson, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Tognum AG.

“The integration of Bergen Engines is a further step in Tognum’s growth strategy and in leveraging synergies,” said Dr Ulrich Dohle, who today takes over as CEO of Tognum AG.

“Cooperation so far has been very promising, and exchanging know how and resources already have shown the many benefits. We look forward to building on this in our new set-up,” added John Knudsen, President of Bergen Engines AS.

Tognum supplies high-speed diesel and gas engines carrying the mtu brand with power ranges of 75 to 10,000kW and 100 to 2,150kW respectively. The Bergen engine portfolio comprises medium-speed units for marine and power generation applications. The diesel engines deliver 1,800 to 8,000kW and the gas engines are built for 1,400 to 9,700kW output. The combined product portfolio especially supports accessing the dynamically growing emerging markets.
Wolfgang Boller Spokesman Regional and Business Media
+49 7541 90 2159