"Boot" Duesseldorf - mtu Board of Management presented the new Series 2000 CR to the trade press

Posted on January 20, 2004

MTU Friedrichshafen presented its new 2000 CR marine engines at the "Boot" water sports fair in Duesseldorf from January 17 to 25, 2004.
  • High performance - low weight
  • mtu with 56% market share for megayachts

Duesseldorf - MTU Friedrichshafen presented its new 2000 CR marine engines at the "Boot" water sports fair in Duesseldorf from January 17 to 25, 2004. On January 20, the Board of Management invited the international trade press to a conference at the trade fair congress center. On this occasion, Dr. Rolf A. Hanssen (President of the Board of Management), Dr. Gerd-Michael Wolters (Vice President, Engineering & Operations) and Peter Grosch (Vice President, Sales) informed the press representatives in detail about the technical and economic aspects of the new engine. The new series features state-of-the-art technologies and has significantly more power than its predecessor, Series 2000. The 8 and 10-cylinder versions with 895 and 1,120 kW (1200 and 1500HP), respectively, were presented; 12 and 16-cylinder versions with 1,344 and 1,792kW (1800 and 2,400HP), respectively, are to follow in 2005. The power density of the new 2000 CR engines has been increased to such an extent that the new 10V 2000 CR provides the same power as the 12V 2000 engine currently in the market. This is equivalent to a 20% increase. The new 10-cylinder is one third smaller than the previous 12-cylinder model, with only 80% of its weight. The 10V 2000 CR is thus not only the most modern and powerful but also one of the lightest yacht engines in its class.

mtu with 56% market share for megayachts

mtu traditionally holds a strong position in the ship market, which accounts for just under 50% of its sales. Its role in the yacht segment is especially outstanding, Dr. Hanssen said during the press conference: "For yachts of 80 ft. (25mtr) or more, we hold 56% of the market. Our market leadership in these and other fields is a result of the innovative power with which we are advancing the construction of diesel engines. Our innovations are primarily in those areas which are considered key technologies." These include injection, turbocharging and electronics. In all three technologies, mtu - unlike ist competitors - develops and manufactures its components itself. This not only guarantees its pioneering role but also the ability to deliver over a long period of time.

With respect to the business development of MTU Friedrichshafen, Dr. Rolf A. Hanssen referred to the development of company sales, which were increased for the tenth consecutive time in 2003. Despite difficult general conditions, the sales figure for 2003 slightly exceeded that of 2002, according to the President and CEO of mtu.